Friday, February 26, 2010


You can now find me blogging in my new home:   Educating Jackie

Dusting off and Starting Over

I've been thinking a lot about this blog lately, and I really want to start back into my routine of updating here regularly, but I'm struggling with how is the best way to go about doing that.

I think I need a change, and I'm not sure if I can do that in this space. I would love to make a fresh start, and have a blank canvas where I can blog without having to worry about how I used to do things here, where I could create my own niche find my voice again.

So I'm in the process of re-locating. I'm not sure if the blog will be a blogger blog again, or maybe another form of blog altogether? Time will tell, but watch this space, as I will come back here soon, and let you know where you can find me. Because believe me, after all these months of silence, I have LOTS to say :)